What Would Jesus Do?

I am at the gas station.  I see an elderly man struggling to walk across the snow and ice through the parking lot.  Do I pretend I don’t see him, or offer him help?  What would Jesus do?

I am at school and I witness another kid getting picked on by a person, or group of people.  Do I walk on passed, or offer  help?  What would Jesus do?

I sense someone is depressed or sad.  Do I say nothing at all and ignore them, or show them some love and compassion?  What would Jesus do?

I am aware of a person who never has nice clothes to wear, doesn’t have very much to eat at lunch, and what’s more, they get made fun of.  Do I join in?  Say nothing?  Or act kindly toward them, offering them my friendship, as well as something to eat?  Maybe in the friendship, I can give them some nice clothes to wear.  What would Jesus do?

I know a girl who is pregnant, and she is thinking about abortion.  As a Christian, I know abortion is murder.  Do I say nothing at all, fearful of any confrontation?  Or do I lovingly share the truth of God’s Word about abortion, and offer her any help where I can as she goes through the pregnancy, and even after she has the baby?  What would Jesus do?

I am tired.  It’s been a very long day.  My stomach is growling, and I have things I want to do.  Someone stops and asks me for help.  Should I tell them I don’t have time, or with gladness, put aside my plans and take a moment to help them?  What would Jesus do?

I come across someone who has forgotten their lunch money, and they’re too shy to ask the school, or anyone for help.  Should I just feel bad for them, and go on with my day?  Or should I sacrifice some money, or my lunch, and give to them?  What would Jesus do?

A friend of mine secretly does drugs.  Now she is offering them to me, telling me how great it is and that it’s the coolest thing to do.  Do I give in and try it? Say no thanks, and that’s it?  Or should I tell her no, and explain to her clearly about Jesus Christ and share the good news of His Word with her?  What would Jesus do?

How can I even call myself a follower of Jesus Christ if I do what I WANT TO DO and NOT what Jesus wants me to do?  If in ALL things, I don’t ask, What would Jesus do? Then I can’t say that I truly belong to Him. 

I am His reflection in a world whose only hope is Him!  I am His light in a world of darkness.  I have two choices:  look like the world, or look like Jesus?  I want to look like Jesus!  If I do not tell them, how will they know?

What would Jesus do?

4 thoughts on “What Would Jesus Do?

  1. You are quite observant on possibilities around you and the opportunities given to all of us during our ordinary days. It is easy to “live small” only seeing our own lives and try not to rock the boat or stand out. It takes courage to stand up for things we notice are wrong. WWJD is a difficult concept to try to live up to, but He will honor us every time we try to do what is right! God bless you!

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